Recently, we had a client that couldn’t open their Filemaker Server Admin Console for FileMaker Server 11. Of course, Java had been updated on the host machine to version 8 update 66. The version of FileMaker Server that the client had was 11v3 and the version of Java that it can handle is Java 6 update 24.
The newer Java version was uninstalled, then Java SE Runtime 6 update 24 was downloaded from Java archives. The machine still had problems with opening the FileMaker Server Admin Console. So, we uninstalled Java completely from the machine, restarted it and installed Java 6 update 24, still having issues opening FileMaker Server Admin Console…
After several attempts with the correct Java version and trying to open FileMaker Server 11 Admin Console in Explorer and Chrome, we finally tried FireFox and viola it opened like charm.
What we have noticed on more than a few machines and even with newer versions of FileMaker Server, not only does the correct Java version matter but also the web browser can make a huge difference. So, if you have problems even after making sure the Java version is correct, try more than one web browser. FireFox seem to be less picky on issues and opens up the FileMaker Server Admin Console more often.
We are currently working with this client to move them to a newer version of FileMaker Server, so they won’t be at risk by using an old non-secure version of Java.
This is part of what we do here at Install FMS, we assist with installs of FileMaker Server, but also help clients that have older versions of FileMaker to get migrated to newer, faster and more secure versions. We also have monthly FileMaker Server UpKeep plans, where we do checkups of your install and monitor it as well. Please check our website for more information.